

Long: Fragrant, tender with a smooth texture. Makdous: The outer skin is shiny, thin, and smooth and is striped with violet with ivory white. Globe: Glossy, deep-purple skin and spongy fruit with many seeds.

Available packaging Size (Length, Width, High): 

  • Carton (23x16x5)
  • Cartons (48x36x9)
  • Plastic Crates (50x32x22)

Pack Type (Gross weight of packed carton/plastic  by Air Freight: 

  • Long/Packed cartons (23x16x5): Individual packed carton 1.2 kg.
  • Long/Makdous/Packed cartons (48x36x9): Individual packed carton between 4.5- 5 kg.
  • Globe/Packed Plastic crate (50x32x22): Individual packed crate 7 kg.

Number of Carton/plastic crate per pallet by Air Freight: 

  • Carton (48x36x9) x4 (23x16x5) : 56 cartons/pallet,
  • Carton (48x36x9): 56 cartons/pallet
  • Plastic crate (50x32x22): 36 crates/ pallet

black, Speckled white and purple skin, Purplish black


Diameter: Long/Makdous: 40-60 mm Globe Eggplant: > 100 mm


Long/ Globe Eggplant: Year-round, Makdous: August till November

Sensory / Eating Quality

Long: Sweet, tender and juicy purple fruit with smooth flesh
Makdous: Taste similar to the regular kind with one notable
exception: They have a sweet, almost fruit-like flavor
Globe: Biggest and fattest of eggplants

Foreign Matter

Free of foreign matter, dirt and impurities


No evidence of insect infestation, alive or dead.

Chemicals and Contaminants

Produce complies with codex alimentarius standard
Maximum Residue limits volume 2-1993 section 1

Storage conditions

Temperature 10 to 12°C
Relative humidity: 90-95%

Delivery Temperature

Refrigerated shipment 12°C

Distribution conditions

Refrigerated clean truck


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