

Agria: Medium to large in size with many shallow, dark brown eyes covering the surface. Spunta: Ovoid and elongated tubercle, Smooth skin and cream with brown spots.

Available packaging: Plastic Bag

Pack Type (Gross Weight of packed bag) by Sea Freight: Individual loose bag 10 kg (Gross weight).

Number of plastic Bag/40” container by Sea Freight: 3000 Bags


Agria: Pale yellow to light gold with some brown specks and spots, Spunta: Yellow


Diameter: Agria: > 40 mm Spunta: > 50 mm


Mid-July till Mid-January

Sensory / Eating Quality

Agria: The flesh is deep yellow and is firm, smooth, low in
moisture, and low in sugar. Agria potatoes are mild and
earthy with a floury, fluffy, and starchy texture.
Spunta: Good drought and heat resistance.
Good dry matter content.

Foreign Matter

Free of foreign matter, dust, residue and visible soil.


No evidence of insect infestation, alive or dead.

Chemicals and Contaminants

Produce complies with codex alimentarius standard
Maximum Residue limits volume 2-1993 section 1

Storage conditions

Temperature 3.5 to 4.5°C
Relative humidity: 90-95%

Delivery Temperature

Refrigerated shipment not exceed 4.5°C

Distribution conditions

Refrigerated clean truck


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