

White Diamond: The plum’s skin is thick, somewhat chewy, smooth, and taut, showcasing golden yellow hues with faint, pale green accents and red speckling. Black Diamond: The skin is smoky, has yellow speckles and a mixed color of purple and black. The plum pit is attached to the flesh and very small compared to the other black plum varieties. Ruby Crunch: The plum’s skin is smooth, taut, and glossy, showcasing pigmented hues of dark purple and red, sometimes appearing almost black. Angelino: The fruit is speckled, asymmetrical and purple shelled. The flesh is durable, yellow in color and can easily be detached rom the pit.

Available packaging Size: (Length, width, high): 

  • Carton (23x16x5)
  • Carton (48x36x9)
  • Plastic Crate (36x24x12)

Pack Type (Gross weight of packed carton/plastic crate) By Air Freight: 

  • Packed cartons (23x16x5): Individual packed carton between 950gr-1 kg
  • Packed plastic crate (36x24x12):Individual packed crate 5.5-6 kg.

Number of carton/plastic crate per pallet by Air Freight: 

  • Carton (48x36x9) x4 (23x16x5) : 56 cartons/pallet
  • Plastic crate (36x24x12) : 80 crates/pallet

Pack Type (Gross weight of packed plastic crate) By Sea Freight: 

  • Plastic crate (36x24x12): Individual packed crate 6 kg

Number of plastic crate/40” container by Sea Freight: 

  • Plastic crate (36x24x12): 180 crates/pallet
  • Total of 21 pallets: 3780 crates.

White Diamond: Golden yellow with yellow flesh.
Black Diamond: dark purple-blackish with dark orange flesh
Ruby Crunch: Red purple with red flesh.
Angelino: Purple to black with pale-yellow flesh


White Diamond: 20-30 mm
Black Diamond: 40 mm
Ruby Crunch: 50-65 mm
Angelino: 55-60 mm


White Diamond: July till August
Black Diamond: June till August
Ruby Crunch: September till October
Angeleno: September till October

Sensory / Eating Quality

White Plum: The translucent yellow flesh is soft, aqueous,
and pulpy with a succulent, tender consistency.
Black Diamond: The fruit flesh is red, crispy and a little juicy.
Ruby Crunch: Fruit flesh is hard, crispy and has excellent taste.
The Brix value > 14%.
Angelino: Good, sub-acid and balanced taste.

Foreign Matter

Free from foreign matter (birds dropping), visible soil, dust
and chemical residue.


No evidence of insect infestation, alive or dead.

Chemicals and Contaminants

Produce complies with codex alimentarius standard
Maximum Residue limits volume 2-1993 section 1

Storage conditions

Temperature to -0.5°C to 0°C
Relative Humidity: 90-95%

Delivery Temperature

Refrigerated shipment between 0°C to 2°C

Distribution conditions

Refrigerated clean truck


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